
Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Memphis & the Step pyramid Overnight Trip to Cairo from Hurghada

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Memphis & the Step pyramid Overnight Trip to Cairo from Hurghada

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Memphis & the Step pyramid Overnight Trip to Cairo from Hurghada

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Memphis & the Step pyramid Overnight Trip to Cairo from Hurghada

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Overnight Trip to Cairo & Luxor from Hurghada By Flight

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Overnight Trip to Cairo & Luxor from Hurghada By Flight

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Overnight Trip to Cairo & Luxor from Hurghada By Flight

Egyptraveluxe | PRIVATE TOUR : Overnight Trip to Cairo & Luxor from Hurghada By Flight

Cleopatras' wedding

Cleopatras' wedding

Cleopatras' wedding

Cleopatras' wedding

A walking tour around Thebes cemeteries

A walking tour around Thebes cemeteries Nobles ,workers,&Ramasseum Are you a sportive person ? interested in history ?you prefer to explore the places , learn from the locals , &intermingle with their atmosphere ?so you diffidently should try this walking tour around Thebes mighty necropolises of the Nobles , Artisans , & the glorious Ramasseum temple. The Nobles tombs ;-These are the tombs of the aristocrats & the elite of the society of Pharaohnic Egypt , the tombs are so rich in daily life activities scenes , very rare documents of very rich life details , making you feel like watching a Walt Disney movie but of 5000 years old cartoon art , colors still vivid & details are complete , most of the EGyptologists consider them the only survived source document of ancient life of ancient people . The Artisans tombs ;- also known as the workers valley of Deir Elmadina , these are the tombs of the tombs builders , when you visit their tombs you feel the dir