
Showing posts from April 21, 2014

"Welcome to the age of Facsimile Tourism"

Fit for a king: Tutankhamun’s replica burial chamber Almost a century after its discovery, the burial chamber of Tutankhamun is being recreated down to the minutest detail in the Egyptian desert  . High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. I n November 1922, Howard Carter, a British archaeologist who had spent all his adult life in Egypt, made the discovery that resonated throughout an incredulous world, and continues, even in the age of cinematic blockbuster and virtual-reality-on-demand, to enthral us. Carter was a man who combined practical ingenuity and a vivid sense of romance: he had spent five years, supported by his patron, Lord Carnarvon, excavating in the Valley of the Kings in Thebes (modern-day Luxor), conducting a passionate and well-planned search for the royal tombs of ancient Egypt. But the results were discouraging. This was to be his final dig. One d

"Welcome to the age of Facsimile Tourism"

Fit for a king: Tutankhamun’s replica burial chamber Almost a century after its discovery, the burial chamber of Tutankhamun is being recreated down to the minutest detail in the Egyptian desert  . High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. I n November 1922, Howard Carter, a British archaeologist who had spent all his adult life in Egypt, made the discovery that resonated throughout an incredulous world, and continues, even in the age of cinematic blockbuster and virtual-reality-on-demand, to enthral us. Carter was a man who combined practical ingenuity and a vivid sense of romance: he had spent five years, supported by his patron, Lord Carnarvon, excavating in the Valley of the Kings in Thebes (modern-day Luxor), conducting a passionate and well-planned search for the royal tombs of ancient Egypt. But the results were discouraging. This was to be his final d